COVID-19 Policy — Sorenson's

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A Message to our Customers about COVID-19

The well-being of our customers, employees, and subcontractor network throughout the country is always at the center of our decision-making. SORENSON MOVING AND STORAGE has been closely monitoring the developments regarding COVID-19 (commonly known as Coronavirus) and we have compiled information regarding our service policies and recommended best practices. We will continue to assess the situation at large, as new information becomes available every day.


What You Can Continue to Expect – Our Policy

SORENSON MOVING AND STORAGE expects all of our subcontractors and technicians to follow the guidance for businesses published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), as it is frequently updated with specific instructions or directives from local health departments. This guidance includes immediately sending home workers who have acute respiratory illness and/or who have been exposed to the virus, quarantining workers who have tested positive for the virus or workers whose family members have been exposed or tested positive. In addition, we are aggressively supporting strong protocol regarding personal hygiene, personal protection, and surface cleaning steps. The guidance, which can be accessed here, also provides planning considerations if there are more widespread community outbreaks of COVID-19.


Minimizing COVID-19 Exposure for All Our Customers and Service Providers

In locations that have been identified with having confirmed cases of COVID-19, we have asked all of our subcontractors and technicians to follow the CDC guidelines, and be extra vigilant in their personal contact and hygiene and to notify management immediately of potential exposure.


Consistent Guidance and Support: Practical Tips for Our Service Providers When Entering a Transferee’s Home

The following is just some of the communication we have provided to our Service Providers. We will continue to communicate updates as they become available.

First, be sure to implement the CDC guidelines and other precautions as noted above for all persons who will enter the transferee’s home. This will minimize the risk of ill crew members working on any given job. SORENSON MOVING AND STORAGE has implemented a no-handshake policy and is looking for our network to adopt this practice immediately as well. Although you may have seen the fist or elbow bumps in the news as an alternative, we encourage a no-physical contact approach like a “hello” and a “wave” or some other non-contact greeting instead. If a transferee asks, a SORENSON MOVING AND STORAGE representative should be ready to inform them at a high level of the steps we have implemented to minimize the number of ill individuals who may be working with the general public. However, due to Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) considerations, you are not permitted to provide information about any specific potentially ill personnel to the transferee.

Next, in general, try to keep at least six feet of space between individuals, including between the transferee and their family members and the crew. COVID-19 is primarily spread between humans who are in close contact, through respiratory droplets produced by coughing or sneezing.

While we would not discourage any person’s decision to utilize facemasks, please note per the CDC that facemasks generally do not prevent healthy individuals from acquiring COVID-19. Instead, they are used by people with symptoms to help prevent spreading the virus to others. We would ask you give consideration to the fact that there is potential for a medical supplies shortage in combating the virus. However, please do not make assumptions based upon a customer wearing a mask. Many people wear them as a means of protective equipment in the case of respiratory outbreaks, and it does not necessarily mean they have COVID-19 or are at risk of having been exposed to it.

With respect to handling physical objects, there is little information currently about COVID-19 transmission via contact with objects. We recommend the use of hand sanitizers (when handwashing is not available) and/or disposable non-latex gloves. It may be effective to bring a large tub of hand sanitizer to the site and have all crew wash up prior to beginning work and multiple times throughout the day. If gloves are provided, it’s recommended to use non-latex due to allergies. Also, have hand sanitizer available in case a crew member is allergic to the gloves. Follow CDC guidance on handwashing. Also bring sterilizing wipes that can be utilized to wipe down bathroom fixtures before use and using a sterile wipe or paper towel to handle bathroom fixtures, lights, or doorknobs can be helpful.

If a transferee raises (for the first time on an in-person service day) the possibility that they have COVID-19 or you are uncomfortable with the situation, without unduly raising alarm with them, please tactfully excuse yourself from the premises. Please do not attempt to assess for yourself whether a person has or is at risk of having COVID-19. Call SORENSON MOVING AND STORAGE to help interact with the customer so that additional information can be gathered and appropriate next steps, such as rescheduling or canceling service, can be determined.


Anti-Discrimination Considerations


Finally, even in midst of worries that COVID-19 may become more widespread, we have a responsibility to treat our customers fairly. This has been our cornerstone and commitment to you. We will not engage in conduct that would constitute disability, race, or national origin discrimination.


Our Proactive Approach – Minimizing COVID-19 Exposure Among our Employees

SORENSON MOVING AND STORAGE is proactively addressing the situation with a commonsense approach in the office. We are following the strict guidelines of the CDC. Staff has been instructed to wash their hands regularly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds; avoid touching door handles with bare hands; refrain from sneezing or coughing into hands; avoid touching their eyes, nose, and mouth; clean objects and surfaces they touch often; stay home with any symptoms of illness. Our office common areas are sanitized daily.



SORENSON MOVING AND STORAGE has a Business Continuity Plan that has been tailored to our operations and workforce. Our plan includes elements such virtual meetings, mass communication protocols, when to notify authorities or summon assistance; decision-making and authority protocols; and building evacuation, shelter, or lockdown procedures.